CSI (Competition Suspension Inc) is offering a Suspension and Quarter Midget Chasis Seminar in Brownsburg Indiana on January 21-January 22. Both single day and two day tickets are available.
Information from CSI on the event:
This will be a two day event, and you can sing up for a single or both days. Day 1 will concentrate on shocks and your suspension package for everything from quarter midgets to sprint cars. This will be an in depth 4 hours packed with information. Day 2 will focus on quarter midget chassis set up, maintenance and tuning at the track. Again you can purchase a ticket for Day 1, Day 2 or a discounted package for both. We plan for this to be an in person event only, at our shop in Brownsburg Indiana. Tickets are available for purchase on our website www.csishocks.com.
1 day: $250
2 day: $400
Sat Jan 21st 9am Suspension Day (approx. 4 hours)
We will be going over indepth information about shocks, springs, and torsion bars. We will also teach you how to analyze your dyno sheets. We will be doing hands on shock dynoing, shock analysis, and torsion bar dynoing. We keep these sessions small so everyone get a lot of one on one time. This session is intended for anyone racing quarter midgets to sprint cars, from novice to expert.
Sunday Jan 22nd 9am QM Setup Day (approx 4 hours)
We will go over chassis squaring, setup, and important safety information. We will have a hands on session on the setup table with a race car, showing you detailed steps to the set up proccess. We will cover trackside tuning, and how to make the most education setup changes. Again this will be a small session so everyone gets plenty of time to learn and have their questiosn answered. This session is intended for anyone racing quarter midgets from beginner to advanced knowledge.
• An informative booklet with the cirrciulum is provided each day
• Breakfast and refreshments are provided both days
• This is a live event at our facility in Brownbsurg, Indiana. There is limited seating available. No refunds tickets are transferable.